Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How's this, Dad?

Ok, I realize I'm not solving any of the worlds problems on this blog, in fact, some might read this and think it should be a blah-g instead of a blog. However, my dad is a huge reader of the site. Who knew?

This afternoon I talked my pops into treating me to lunch at the local diner, and he says, "OK I just have to talk to you about something on your blog...". So I am thinking he is in disagreement with my somewhat liberal and progressive Christian mind. NOOOOOO not in the least...he was ticked about this comment in the list of "My Moments" on my birthday entry. "My mom making a pan of O'Henry Bars, "just for me"". (see Nov. 21 post)

He claims I dissed him as a major contributing factor in my life on the blog...well Mr. Father Of Mine...Let me count...not counting this post which is dedicated to your ego. You are leading Ma by a score of 12 mentions to 7 mentions. Hmmmm, I guess I owe MOM a few props to catch her back up.

Mom thanks for:

Teaching me and taking me rock climbing
Building my first go-kart
Taking me ice skating for the first time
Teaching me how to downhill ski
Playing hours of catch and hitting me grounders

There you guys are all square.

Hey, by the way, dad...check the would have never let me do that as a kid, let alone taken a picture of it. But it is one of your prized grandsons so it is funny and cute. Man, you held me down...

Kidding as always...nothing but love for ya O-G. (that stands for Original Gangsta in street talk but today it stands for Original Grandpa)


skip said...

hey old boy nice site. to bad i didn't mess with you when you expected me to

Anonymous said...

O.K. Now I wanna be mentioned because I look at this site at least 7 days a week!! Did I whine loud enough??
You do a great job telling it like it is and somehow making me smile everytime.

sal said...

Ok, I figured out that I did already create an account for myself here, I just wasn't sure I really had. I am just a little bit computer illiterate.