Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bad for your wallet websites...good for the economy of some .com
If you look to the right of this blog you will notice some links...Steep and Cheap and Whiskey Militia. I hit these sites at least once a day. Some of the stuff is ridiculous and I would never need it, but sometimes you can score a really good deal on outdoor gear or clothes.
Lately, I have re-found a website I used to hit up a lot, but for some reason it forgot about is They usually have electronics, refurbed MP3 players, speakers, computers...etc.
I have bought 2 new MP3 players in the last 5 weeks off of WOOT.COM, and together they have 9GB of memory, one plays video, pictures and music and both together cost less than $70.
The first ever MP3 player I bought about 6 years ago had 64mb internal memory and a card that doubled it!!! I payed $120 for that. So if you wait for a little bit longer you can pick up that 60GB video I-Pod for $50 on some website.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Robber and Steve Nash with a "ba-ba".
When we were in Phoenix we watched a lot of Suns basketball and it dominated the local news because Shaq had just been traded there a week or so earlier.
We saw a lot of Steve Nash, and I have always liked him...kind of the same reason I always like Bird...hard working, not overly gifted sizewize, just plays his heart out every night, and he's got cool hair.
I have to say I am looking forward to the NBA playoffs this year, I can actually tell you the last time that happened. It was the 1996 NBA Playoffs...the year the Bulls went roommate Rahn and I hated Michael Jordan and wanted nothing more than the Sonics to ruin their record year. Chicago won the series 4 games to 2, and Jordan was named Finals MVP. I still don't like him...Shawn Kemp, Detlef Schrempf, Hersey Hawkins, Sam Perkins, GARY PAYTON, and George Karl on the bench...ahhh those were the good ole days.
Anyway, I talked Steph into buying Brecken a Nash jersey...she was so against it, because she hates most jerseys, but she caved in. This morning she put the jersey on Breck and was bragging on how cute he looked.
So just in case, Steve Nash Googles himself today...I thought he might be proud to see some crazy-haired bottle sipping kid from South Dakota was rocking his jersey.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday was one of those days where you added a couple extra things to your list.
Maxim sang in church, and he actually moved his mouth, we were so proud. I have no idea what song they sang now that I think about it, but he did a good job up there, and we have pictures to prove it.
We then went over to my cousin Mary's for Easter ham. Mary is like a cooler more laid back version of Marth Stewart, kind of like Martha without the East Coast snobbery. So I always giver her a hard time about her presentation of the table/meals/home layout...etc. She earned a 9.8 this year. Of course basketball was on so most of us watched Davidson put their Cinderella-magic to work on Georgetown.
Brecken ate a few bites of ham and some potatoes, but his big deal for the day was the amount of his reach...that could be eaten without parental supervision. He was on a continued sugar buzz for at least 7 hours.
I'm not sure how chocolate and the death/resurrection of our Savior go hand in hand, but believe me...Brecken is glad they do.
The Easter Weasel did stop by Mary's with a load of eggs and the kids ran around looking for eggs with more candy. It took Brecken only 1 egg to discover that if you throw the egg with all of your almost 2 year old might on the concrete it breaks open and the candy spills out and it is free for the taking. (As illustrated in the picture to the right.)
The kids and adults had fun and I think they found all of the eggs.
After the festivities we headed back home. Brecken fell asleep for 30 minutes and when he woke up he was ready for round number 2. We played outside until the sun went down and then grilled hot dogs.
We played a family game of baseball in the front yard...Maxim got a couple of good hits and Brecken cried each time he didn't get to be the batter.
Finally around 9:30 p.m. the sugar wore off and they both crashed.
Actually all 4 of us crashed.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Other People's Pain Is Sometimes Funny...
As most of you know I worked in TV for a number of years, and bloopers were just a part of the job, whether it be your fault or someone else's fault they always made someone laugh...not always us.
Thought you would all like this a couple of what seems like "has been" news reporters go at it right during the live shot.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Easter Weasel.

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick & Survey Results

Friday, March 14, 2008
Survey week.
I'm going to let the survey and the website stew for the weekend and early next week I will release the information.
I feel a bit like Neuman the mailman from Seinfeld..."When you control the mail, you control....information!"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Living On Liquid Survey...the first ever!
I thought I would spread my pain to the readers of this website with the first ever Living On Liquid survey.
It should only take 5 minutes to do, unless you have a hard time reading, then it might take 12 minutes. The excitement of taking a survey will make the time fly by.
Thanks...Oh yeah, most surveyors say that this information will better help them serve the survey taker...I won't lie to you, there is nothing in this survey that will help anyone!
Click Here to take survey
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The best way to put kids to bed.........
For the last 2 evenings the boys have not gone inside until the sun goes down, which has been so nice...they may be a bit on the muddy side, but that's what boys do.
Monday night we played outside with every outside toy we own, it was like Christmas all over again opening up the storage shed where their toys are. They put a couple miles on their electric Jeep, and ran over some small shrubbery and into a couple of trees.
Then I started a fire in the burning barrel and it was ON. Both boys are pyromaniacs! OK, all 3 of us are. We burned everything, including this wooden snowman that Steph told me to throw away the other day...Maxim would have burned the deck if he could have lifted it! We had flames jumping 5 feet out of the barrel.
Last night, with the help of our neighbor and her chainsaw, and my chainsaw which wasn't working very smoothly, we cut up a tree that the utility linemen cut down for us. It was a 40' evergreen that was dirty and annoying...a very pretty someone else's yard. Maxim and Brecken hauled branches for 2 hours...without complaining! In fact, they asked to help...I'm not sure if they are my kids. By the end of it we had a huge pile of branches that they were jumping into and crawling through.
8pm rolled around and they ate like rabid wolves, then took baths and both went to bed without incident...which never happens in our home.
Thank God for spring!
Monday, March 10, 2008
PHX Update 1.4...the final installment.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
PHX Update 1.3
We just got back from our 2nd Phoenix Coyotes hockey game of the week...we loved the atmosphere around Arena. The Yotes lost both games we went to this week and the Cubbies lost the game we went to as well. We actually thought about going to the Suns game last night, but decided to hang out downtown right by ASU's campus, and we watched the game...SUNS LOST!
I think the Mayor of Phoenix will ban us from the city.
Anyway, we are ready to come home to see our boys, and get settled back into the cold weather...kicking and screaming.
We will post some pictures and video through out next week.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
PHX Update 1.1
But on Monday, he went 3-for-3, including a solo homer with one out in the third and an RBI single in the fourth. I hope he works was cool when he went to bat everyone chanted "FOOOOOOO".
I might have Steph talked into catching one more game.
We went to a super nice Italian restaurant this evening...Tomasso's...we didn't understand a thing our waiter said for about the first 10 minutes!
Tomorrow we head to our 2nd resort and have most of the day to ourselves.