Thursday, November 18, 2010

This Is For Aunt Gloria

It seems that my last post brought some nostalgia out of my readers, so I was put on a quest to find a song that my mom and my aunt sang for me last night.

All I knew is it was a song about kissing a boy named Fred in the backseat of a car.  Mind you I knew it was from the 60's so it was a song they knew as kids...but it was a little creepy hearing your mom and aunt singing about kissing a boy in the backseat of a car...I guess that was my early birthday present.

Well I found the song, described as a "novelty song" in it's day.  It's a fun little ditty about Fred in the backseat with 7 girls. 

NOTE TO KOLBY: if you ever listen to filthy music like this you are grounded until you are 28!

I couldn't embed it into the blog so you have to click below.

Click Here.

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