All over America today Zombies are answering phones at credit card calling centers, Witches are serving burgers at the local "greasy spoon", Fairy Godmothers are completing transactions at banks, and Mr. Incredible look alikes are performing accounting tasks, with their masks on...all in the name of Halloween.
I saw a report that Americans will spend over $6 billion on Halloween crap.
As you can tell from that statement, I dressed like myself the hilt...The North Face khaki pants, a Gramicci t-shirt and a thermal long sleeve under it. I tend to laugh at grown adults dressed up like vampires while at work.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not some killjoy, but I find it ridiculous. I don't dress like a Shepard at Christmas or like a bunny at Easter. I just don't understand the motive. If you are going to a Halloween party, go ahead drive across town to your friend's house with your gorilla suit on, that's funny, but at work???
I think the Senate should enact a law prohibiting anyone over the age of 13 from wearing a costume all day on Halloween...but by all means go to the local bar tonight and get toasted while wearing your pirate outfit...if St. Patrick's day is "Amateur's night" at the bar scene, then Halloween is "Immature's night" at the bar scene.
But who am I to judge...I have to leave work early to get Darth Vader, and his sidekick, the 2 foot 5 inch turtle to the local "Trunk and Treat" before Wednesday night kid's church starts!
(Disclaimer: If you dressed up today at work the author your co-workers on your behalf.)
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