So today at 6:17 p.m. Maxim will have officially been in the world for 8 years.
I decided to post these pictures of Maxim from Sanford's Cradle Roll archive...I remember thinking, "What am I going to do with a kid...am I ready to be a dad...what if I drop him?" Well, Maxim has survived 8 years with Stephanie and I and I think he is doing quite well.
When they hand you that little human wrapped up in hospital-issued blankets you never know what is in the package.
Maxim is insightful, caring, free thinking, comical, and creative. Some days when his little mind is wandering, and he is lost in his own little world, I can't help but want to get inside his thoughts to see what makes him tick. He has made Stephanie and I much different people, for the better. Thank you, Maxim...and Happy Birthday.